Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Year End Reflection

10 Highlights
1. The entire week of July 4, 2014
2. July 4, 2014 - Marrying Arron
3. Christy & Karmyn and all my Ontario family coming for a visit
4. Sinterklaas day with Arron. He is so awesome.
5. My bachelorette party
6. Honeymoon to the Dominican Republic
7. Working in Barkerville sporatically over the summer
8. My new job at Maranatha Christian School and the pay raise that came with it
9. Christmas with my family
10. My students Christmas performance.

10 Disappointments

1. Working hard to get fit and it is such a slow, slow, slow disappointing process
2. Not being able to completely re-decorate our home
3. Not going to Barkerville with my Ontario family when they came for my wedding this summer.
4. Not seeing my sisters enough.
5. I should have volunteered for a  few things at church and I didn't even though I wanted to
6. When parents of my students don't see all that I do and come up with reasons to dislike me
7. I didn't pay off enough debt
8. Giving up playing the violin
9. I wish I had read more books instead of watching so much tv
10. The series finale of "How I Met Your Mother"

3 Game Changers
1. Marriage and having a husband (not unexpected, but changed my focus)
2. Taking a full time teaching job when I thought I was done with my teaching career

3 Things I Focused on
1. Wedding/Marriage
2. My new job
3. Eating well & working out
3 Things I forgot
1. The awesome kid-kits that I made for all the kids at the wedding reception
2. To call my granny on her birthday
3. Planting a garden
Well 2014 was pretty much focused on my engagement and wedding. It was a wonderful time and I loved (almost) all of it. 2015 will obviously be focussed on something else. I'm not sure what yet, but I have high hopes that it will be just as good of a year. I hope that I will continue to focus on my marriage, my job, and my health and that the things that disappointed me this year will become accomplishments next year.


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sugar, Glitter, Santa, and Bringing People to Tears

The week leading up to Christmas break is always the busiest week for a teacher. And the longest. And the best as well as the worst. It's the worst because it is virtually impossible to make children behave when they are hopped up on sugar, glitter, santa, and the thought of two weeks without school. But also the best because of special Christmas crafts, happy, smiling children, Christmas parties, and the inevitable haul of Christmas presents elementary teachers score on the last day of school.

I had a very good week with my class. I do like them a lot this year and am very happy with my new teaching job in Williams Lake. I'm thankful for the break I am on now and spent my first day off reading, working out, reading some more, starting a mountain of wedding thank-you cards, reading a bit more, going out on a fantabulous date with my husband and totally killing him at bowling. It's quite rare that I beat him at anything because he is good at e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g so I was pretty stoked to be better (cough, cough, *much* better), than him at one thing. 

This week was also our annual Christmas Concert and my class was awesome. I knew they would be, but they really, really, really blew the audience out of the water. I choreographed a "hand-mime". Something I had never seen before until randomly lost on YouTube one day. It was so cool and the song that we used is so powerful and true that it brought many audience members to tears both that night and the following day when we performed it in chapel. The song talks about the various parts of Christmas; the manger, the shepherds, the wise men etc and then reminds us through the chorus that that is not really what Christmas is all about. It's about:

It's about the cross,
It's about our sin,
It's about how Jesus came to be born once
So that we could be born again
It's about the stone,
That was rolled away
So that you and I can have real life today.
It's about the cross.

Here's the actual video of my students from our performance on Tuesday night.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The best-worst Sinterklaas day ever.

Thursday night while I was casually chatting with Arron, I mentioned that December 5, in the Dutch tradition, is Sinterklaas Day. I told him that basically means he has to buy me a chocolate letter and a present and put it in my shoe. He laughed and told me that it sounded like I was making a tradition up to get him to buy me a present, especially since I was telling him this on December 4.  I laughed too, because when it comes to things like eating my delicious olibollen he likes dutch things, but when it came to buying me a present on a random day in December, he didn't want to participate.

December 5 was a pretty normal day. I worked, I had fun working, it was a good day. Until about 6pm. Then life went downhill quickly.

I am currently on a 'lifestyle change' (aka sucky diet that makes me sad because everyone knows chocolate and salt are more fun than veggies.) I'm doing well with it but after an 11 hour day at work, and a long week, I was ready to cave. My desire to remain strong in my healthy eating habits was not helped when my co-worker brought a pizza into the room we were working in. Then by six pm, and smelling pizza for two hours my resolve was weakened even more. All I wanted from life, was a super greasy teen burger and onion rings. I left work determined that would be my dinner. But as I was driving to the A&W down the road I said to myself, "Nikki, no. You will regret it tonight, you'll get a stomach ache and tomorrow you will feel so bad, and when you go to your fat-meeting on Tuesday you won't have lost any weight and you will be even more sad and mad and angry. Go home and make yourself a salad and some chicken."

So I did.

And I still wanted a Teen Burger and was sad.

If you have ever struggled with weight and healthy eating, you know how incredibly hard it is to say no and turn from unhealthy foods. It is an addiction that is sastifying in the moment and fixes all your life problems as you mow down on grease and salt and deliciousness. I was miserable. Even more miserable thinking about how it was 7pm and I still *should* work out, but really, really, really didn't want to.

Enter my wonderful, wonderful, wonderful husband.


Talk about ruining my evening even further. I had to say no to the delicious greasy cheesy temptation a THIRD TIME in just over an hour. Talk about being tempted to throw it all to the wind and just get fat.

My husband though, who is wonderful, knows that I struggle with this, and to be nice to me, took his pizza and a well deserved Friday beer into our bedroom so I could work out and not be tempted by his delicious smelling pizza.

I did my work out (angry), had a shower (angry), cried a bit about how it is easier to be fat and unhealthy than to be strong and healthy and it's not fair, and then curled in a sad, angry, mopey ball on the bed beside my husband's pizza...and my husband as he happily sipped beer and munched on delicious pizza. We chatted a bit about our long hard weeks and Arron asked me if I had stopped and grabbed the mail. (I hadn't). He told me his night would just be oh so much better if he had the newspaper - specifically the Canadian Tire flyer that he looks forward to every Friday. He went on and on and on about how much he wanted that paper and I had more clothes on than he did so I should be the one to go down the street to get it for him despite the fact that I was in my pajamas. He was being pretty irritating about it actually.

So I (grudgingly and angrily) decided I would go get him his (damn) newspaper. I would be a good wife. Go out in the cold. In my pajamas, in the dark of winter, to get my husband his newspaper. He had worked 60 hours that week, and was on call all weekend and through the nights, and bought me flowers for no reason earlier in the week, and I didn't make him supper, and was kinda a miserable person to be around, so I would get him his newspaper and make him happy.

But I was not happy.
He was eating pizza and beer in bed. How was this fair?

So I grumpily put on my boots - and found a metal N inside of it attached to a string. I followed the string through the living room, around the lamp, down the hallway, to the bedroom door where it led to the bed where Arron was. I said, "if this string is attached to your _____, I'm not going to be impressed." He laughed and told me to keep following it. It went under the bed and was attached to a present and a picture of Sinterklass and Zwarte Piete.

Then I started crying.

Because he is so nice and I was so miserable.  He just gave me a hug and said, "you haven't even opened your present yet!"

I opened it and was SO incredibly happy to find an IPad Mini - the thing I have been dreaming about owning for months!!!! He is so generous and wonderful and clever! What a guy! He turned my horrible evening into a wonderful evening.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

When she said she puked in the hallway, she meant the ENTIRE hallway.

Today was a terrible, horrible, no good, stinky (literally), day.

And I'm going to blame 90% of it on Elya LaMarche. Who is pretty awesome, and I really like her. But seriously Elya!

It all started when Elya got super fit and sexy and I decided I need to get back to that too. So I ordered the same program she is on and started it yesterday. It involves copious amounts of colours and numbers and meal planning, and wicked work-outs. Which I started last night.

So I don't know if it was the work-out before bed, or my mind running in circles about my job, but I did not sleep at all last night. I finally gave up trying to sleep around 5:30am and watched Once Upon a Time and straightened my hair.  So to start the day off I was tired.

As part of this program, I had a super healthy shake for breakfast. This is fairly typical for me. Nothing new about that, except I was using Elya's recommended shake powder. And I had gas. All day. Like the burning your skin off, what died in my intestine, my eyes are watering, I can taste it, kind of gas. One of the perks of teaching 7th grade though, is that I could blame the stinky funk in my classroom on pubescent boys and gym class.

It is now 7:20am in my story and things are not great. I go to work early in hopes of getting things accomplished. First of all I remember it is Orange Shirt/Every Child Matters day and my employer has been oh so kind as to provide some fantastic orange t-shirts for everyone on staff. Orange is a great colour. Looks great on everyone. (That was sarcasm)

7:22am now. I change my shirt to the orange one, because really, school spirit is more important than me being pretty and looking healthy. Time to get to work. I can get SO much accomplished in the next hour and a half. Or not. I open my email to find an "ooops we forgot to tell you about an assembly that is happening at 9am today" email.  Now normally, this wouldn't be a problem. It really wouldn't, except my schedule this week is jam packed because on Friday I found out I have to get all our government testing done this week. My schedule was already messed up with the testing, and now they throw this in. I had to re-arrange our math class, library class, and Social Studies class. Which required me to talk to 3 different teachers and mess up their schedules a bit too. My Type-A personality does not like last minute schedule changes - unless they are for something fun. Free chocolate fountain in the gym? Sweet, I'll cancel the tests, who cares about report cards! Baby mini-animals zoo in the soccer field? try and keep me away! Re-arranging my schedule took the better part of 40 minutes.

8:10am. For all you parents out there, just so you know, the absolute BEST TIME in the world to talk to your child's teacher is before school. We aren't doing anything. Not planning, or organizing, or marking, or getting things ready. So come on in. Take as long as you like. It's not inconvenient. Not as inconvenient as sending your child's teacher an e-mail asking when a good time would be to meet. (This is also sarcasm)

8:40am. Students arrive. Approximately 2 out of 30 did their homework. Massive amounts of organizing and figuring out why they are 13 and can't put their names on their paper.

9:00am - the 15 minute assembly that already toyed with my day, took 35 minutes. Now I have lost another block of lessons.

10:45 - recess supervision. It's raining. What a waste of perfectly great straightened hair. And a student brings me a rice krispy square and I have to turn it down because Elya says so. (It would have made my day better, just sayin')

12:30. Yay. Lunch. Complete with another email that made me unhappy. And lettuce. Fun times. Fun times.  I also start to notice my legs are not working properly thanks to my workout last night. I have difficulty lowering myself to use the toilet. (Elya's fault again.)

1:15. Math. Seriously, this 6th grade problem makes no sense! I even pulled the, "So _____ how would you solve this problem?" card. SIX TIMES and no one could figure it out. So we skipped it. Because I am a GRRRRREAT teacher like that. Dumb math.

2:00.  I'm avoiding sitting because it's really hard to get up and down. I also have this conversation:
"Mrs. Delay, someone threw up in the hallway."
"Was it you?" I ask, noticing puke on her shirt.
"Yes. Can I go home?"

So who cleans up the puke? Well I ask at the office who deals with puke. I asked three different administrators and they all said the Janitor. Well the janitor was not there. And when she said she puked in the hallway, she meant the ENTIRE hallway. Dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble, EXPLOSION, right by my classroom door. Conveniently located beside the girls washroom.  So, with no help from my superiors about where to locate vomit-cleaning supplies, I cleaned it up while my students happily played in the computer lab.

2:40. Students leave. Sigh. I tried to accomplish something after school, but I couldn't. I gave up at 3:30 and went home. And worked out again, despite my legs that aren't quite working properly.

And there ends the tale of my no good, horrible, stinky day. AKA "The Day Elya Ruined By Being Too Fit and Awesome and Inspirational."  

Friday, September 19, 2014

Choose your own Adventure

We went on an adventure!
I had a destination in mind, but we never actually officially found it. We got to the general area and then stopped various times and made our own path. It was a GORGEOUS day and oh so wonderful to be outside in God's amazing nature with my husband.
We discovered an old homestead with a cabin and barns and even a mine dug into the mountainside. The mine had rats in it so I didn't go very far in as we explored.
These places fascinate me. Who lived here, what their life was like, why they chose to settle here, the people and lives that were lived and the stories this building holds.
Gorgeous fall day

Farwell Cayon. The general area we wanted to be, but couldn't find the specific spot/hike we were aiming for.

Chilcotin River

And of course our trusty steed. I took pictures of the scenery, Arron took pictures at each of our many stops of his bike. I'm going to start a new album entitled 'places me and my bike have gone'

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wife Fails

I'm still a newly-wed. Which means that I have been trying extra extra hard to be an awesome wife. And usually I do a pretty smashing job if I do say so myself. I make Arron three meals a day (yes, including an early breakfast - which I did all through my summer vacation too, that's real love. I could have been sleeping in every day, but instead I got up at 6:45am every morning to make him coffee and breakfast.), I do the laundry regularly, clean the house, change the sheets way more often than Arron did when he was a bachelor, and I even have like 7 pinterest boards dedicated to house, home, food, crafts, family life etc. Those count as research into being a good wife.

I've been doing pretty good as a wife. But I had two pretty major fails this week. Almost epic.

Fail #1. The tale of the clogged kitchen sink. Aka 7th degree chemical burns.
So our kitchen sink has been getting more and more plugged as the days have been going by. By Friday it was totally clogged but because we were headed to Bella Coola for our last long weekend before I go back to work full time, we decided to leave it until we got back. Arron said he would fix it. But, being a super excited wife, I decided on Tuesday that I would try and fix it before Arron got home from work. I figured he had worked all day and would be tired and probably really thankful if I fixed something around the house and he didn't have to. So I followed the directions on the Drain-O bottle, poured it down, let it sit 15 minutes and then poured boiling hot kettle down the drain to flush it out. Unfortunately the magical Drain-O didn't work and the boiling water just sort of sat in the drain. Knowing in the past that Arron had plungered his way through a clogged drain, I decided to follow his example. I didn't however know that you need to plug one side of the sink or when you push down on the plunger a projectile fountain of Drain-O and boiling hot water would shoot out of the other side. All over me. BURNING ME. Like stripping off my clothes in the kitchen burning me.

I have a short patience span as it is, and that made me mad. So I gave up in anger, had a shower and a cry, put on my PJ's and went to bed. Which is where Arron found me at 5:00pm when he got home. I felt like the worst wife ever. Because I didn't fix the sink, and because I was angry and ugly. And also because I left the draino/drain crud all over the kitchen because I was too mad to clean it up. Luckily Arron just gave me a hug and let me cry and then fixed the sink and cleaned up the mess. Husband +1, Wife -66

Fail #2
Like I said, I really am trying to be a good wife. So before I headed back to work full time I decided to complete tasks. Defrost the deep freeze and organize it, prepare a bunch of meals, renew car insurances, clean the fridge and oven etc. Good wife. +89 points for me.  When we got back from our trip this weekend I noticed that the house had a bit of a funky smell. I chalked it up to the garbage not being emptied before we went. So I dealt with that. The next day after work the smell was still there and even worse. So I thought it was the drain (see above story where I tried to fix that). Arron didn't believe me about the stinky house, even after I told him the smell is so bad it makes me want to not live in this house. He couldn't smell it. (I realize now it's because I was always cooking dinner when he came home from work.) Yesterday the smell was even worse. SO gross. SO I emptied the garbage, sprayed febreeze, put new wax melts in my smelly melty pot things, washed the floor, did laundry, vaccuumed, cleaned out the fridge again and DID NOT cook Arron supper and when he came home, he could smell the stAnk. (yes, Stank). And I told him that the smell was coming from his tool room. Because it was. Even he realized when walking over there that the smell was coming from that general direction.

And then my dad texts. He's travelling through town and wants to sleep overnight. In our stinky house. In the evening we were chilling out in the living room and the smell was just... bad. I mean not overwhelming bad, but just this low mist of 'that smells kinda funky.' Before bed Arron and I investigated, and found, in the room beside his tool room, the room with the deep freeze that this good wife cleaned out two weeks ago, a piece of salmon that hadn't made it's way back into the deep freeze. -678points for this wife. :(

I'm sure there will be more fails as a wife in my future, but those were two pretty big, and somewhat funny ones that happened in the course of 2 days. But the result is that my sink is fixed, and my house smells really nice now.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Yeah Right Pinterest

If you know me even a smidgen you know that I am slightly obesessed/addicted to Pinterest. LOVE IT. So so much.  And see, here's the thing, I actually DO some of the things that I pin. Maybe like 2% but 2% of 2294 pins is still ... a bunch. (It's too early in the morning to do math. It's not even 8am). 

Also fun fact, I can tell school around North America is starting soon because I get about 57 notifications every hour of other people pinning my school/lesson/classroom ideas. 

Anyways, my goal for a long time has been to do a pinterest favourite. Freezer Meals. Where you prep and cook like 50 meals all at once and then put them in the freezer for later. Then on those busy weeks where you want a hot, healthy, good meal you can just pull one out in the morning, throw it in the crock pot and come home to a house that smells like you have been slaving over a hot stove all day, when in fact you have been working or shopping or doing crafts all day.

As I am heading back to work full time next Monday (my feelings on this topic are Ughay - a mixture of ugh and yay), I decided that this week I should find a super-star mom/wife/homemaker and copy her blog and suggestions for bulk cooking. I pinned a few options and decided on this one because the recipes  varied and looked tasty.

She advertized 11 freezer meals in 3 hours for $50.
Not so much. 

The website did provide a shopping list which was super helpful, but my groceries ended up costing around $160. America has cheaper food. Plus I had to buy some things that I don't normally have on hand so that upped my costs quite a bit. I think if I did this whole set of recipes again, now that I have a lot of the random ingredients in my house I could probably do it for $100. No way could it get done for $50. I spent more than that on meat alone! Shopping at Wholesale Foods! Anyways, I'm not upset, because I separated most of the recipes into two portions so I actually have 19 meals in my freezer. And most of them will feed us for two meals. After all is said and done the number of actual meals comes down to about $2/person/meal. Which is pretty good. Because the recipes are really awesome and I am SO excited to try them.

Step one: get a good playlist going. 
One of the things I didn't read well enough before I began, was the amount of work that would be required. With this website all the meats need to be pre-cooked. Which was a lot of work. A LOT. While it was cooking I kept busy cutting, and prepping, and mixing other ingredients, but I was expecting to just throw everything in a bag and cook it later. BUT, if I had read the website more thoroughly she explains why she pre-cooks all the meat.

This project, including shopping time, took about 4.5 hours. 3.5 hours for the cooking/prepping, which is pretty close to what was advertized. I also did dishes as I used them so that took up more time, but it kept my kitchen cleaner and me sane.  I'm happy with this. It was a SUPER long afternoon. A lot of work for sure, but I decided that I would gladly spend even 5 hours prepping 19 meals than spend 15 hours cooking all these meals from scratch later on. Plus these recipes smell and look amazing! I want to eat them all right now!

The highlight of my cooking experience though, was when Arron came home from work and came in the door saying "Oh man! I could smell all the food three houses down! And I was praying, 'please let it be from my house, please let it be from my house!'"  I take that as a compliment, if he can smell the good smells from three houses down when he was in his tool, grease, and oil filled work van, it must have smelled pretty great.

Kitchen Before (Notice the picture frames on the fridge - pinterest, and the labels on my spice jars - also from pinterest)
Kitchen during

This is me making the VERY last recipe. I was so hot and tired.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Monkey Face

There is just something amazing about being on the top of a mountain in BC.
There is nothing that can compare to it. And no words to describe it. But I love it. The hiking up process - that I don't love, and I also dislike the hiking down part, (so I guess I don't actually like hiking) but the actual being on top of it is pretty fantastic.

On Sunday my parents came to Williams Lake for the first time since I moved here a year ago. This time though I have a home and a husband and a yard and all the fixings to make them feel comfortable for a night or two. (Except Arron's tarantula... which lives in the guest room.... "I won't do it. I tell you I won't. I wont do it" squealed my mom, which resulted in the spider being relocated to where is now, two feet from my feet under the computer desk... eek.)

Anyways, my parents came for a visit. There was beer and bbq and then a small hike up a local mountain called "Monkey Face." I don't know why it is called that. It doesn't look like a monkey face. It's really close to where we live and the view is breathtaking. (Less so in the following photo's because of smoke from forest fires as well as the impending twilight) You can't fathom how high up you are. 2400feet at the top, and 1400 at the bottom where the Fraser River is.  Amazing. I'm really glad that I could show this beautiful place to my parents, and that my dad didn't fall off the side of the cliff - he was scarily fascinated with how steep the cliff face was and how far down it was to the river.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Honeymoon Snippits.

Of all the many many things we did on our honeymoon, I want to start with   this.

Because it was pretty neat.

Ziplining through the trees on top of a mountain in the Dominican Republic.

We went on a series of 9 ziplines and the video here is one Arron took on the longest one. 7500 feet long. He reached speeds of 47 km/hour. 

This is one of me coming in. Very exciting. :P

We honestly spent a lot of time just chilling at the beach and pool. Outing Ziplining was a highlight as was our outing to Catalina Island. We went on a paddle wheeler boat up a river and enjoyed the scenery inland and saw locations where Jurassic Park and Rambo 2 were filmed. Then we transferred to a large Catamaran and headed to Catalina Island - which was a tropical paradise. After that we went to explore a medieval village that was gorgeous.

Michael Jackson Tribute Night. It was AWESOME

Better than Tim Hortons? It actually was!

This is on our river boat looking up at the Medieval Village we would visit later in the day.

At the village, looking down at the river.

No words. Beauty.

This is where we were zip-lining

If you tell them you have sailing experience they will let you borrow a catamaran for the day. So Arron told them that. It was only a half-truth.

I have no sailing experience, but this is me posing like I know what I'm doing.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Naked Hippies Part 2

Sometimes the most random things happen to me and I think to myself, "Wow, this is so random! This is crazy! I can't even fathom the craziness of this once-in-a-life-time-event."

Like this event.

Attending that event (multiple times) gave me one of my best stories ever for "Story Time with Miss. G". The story of the naked Hippies. Seriously, 12 year olds LOVE this story. This story is one of my super-random-this-will-never-happen-again moments.

It was a beautiful hot day, which are few and far between in Barkerville and I decided that I would go down to the local swimming hole and just chill out for the day. When I got down there, much to my dismay, the swimming hole was overrun by naked hippies. A LOT of them. Like 100. Well... maybe 30. But that is still too many Naked Hippies to be hanging out with on my relaxing Sunday afternoon. So I walked up stream and around the corner until  I found a nice little island in the middle of the creek where I could spread my towel, put on my shades and read my book in relative quiet and peace. Not ten minutes after I started to relax a loud voice from down by the naked Hippies announced that while the town of Wells was totally free and accepting of naked communal bathing, there were small children in the area, so if they could move to a more secluded area the townsfolk would appreciate it. So with joy and carefree abandon the naked hippies skipped up the creek and promptly joined me at MY perfect island oasis.

That's the back story. Amusing for sure.

This past weekend Arron and I took a drive about an hour out of Williams Lake to Moffat Falls. It was an AMAZINGLY beautiful, hot, sunshiney, love-filled, newlywed, picnic-ey type of day at the falls. We hiked in and down to the base, in love and hot and sweaty and began to wade in the cool waters of the river. Arron waded past his knees soaking his jeans. I suggested that he just take off his jeans and go swim in his boxers, we were alone after all. He declined worried that someone would come along. Approximately 1 minute later three young guys came trouncing down the trail making Arron very thankful that he had kept his pants on.

We waded across the creek (fully clothed) and as we were eating our picnic lunch, who should also come down the trail but a dozen hippies. Who, when reaching the bottom of the cliff proceeded without pause to strip down until they became a dozen naked hippies.

I laughed so hard. What are the chances that I would end up in a river with a bunch of naked hippies again? I laughed. And I laughed because this time, my husband who wouldn't take off his jeans to wade across the river, was now surrounded by naked hippies.  I also was thankful, because now I got to share my naked hippie experience with someone I love.

Moffatt Falls before it got... busy....

People will inevitably wonder what we did.
Well... to be completely honest.... we joined them and went skivvy-dipping ;)

From the top of the falls

Friday, July 11, 2014

As close as I could ever possibly get. Right?

So I'm no longer Nikki G anymore.
I really enjoyed being Nikki G.
That name served me well for 31 years.

But now it has changed. I'm now Nikki D. Which really, is as close to Nikki G as I could ever possibly get right? Right?

I'm going to keep blogging. But now it will not just be about me. It will be about my wonderful husband Arron and I as we go through our life together. And I will blog about the wedding, and the honeymoon, and all that fun stuff too, but for tonight I just wanted to start things up, remind you to keep coming back and reading because I truly enjoy writing entertaining snippets for my friends and family and the random strangers across the globe that happen upon my humble blog.

Stay tuned.