It's been 365 days (plus a few) since Arron Delay decided I would make a good life partner. And boy am I ever glad he did.
He makes me smile.
He makes me laugh.
He buys me flowers all.the.time
He consistently leaves his dirty laundry BESIDE the hamper and his cut nails on the coffee table.
He gives me all the cuddles I want, whenever I want them.
He loves all my food.
He does almost all our dishes.
He walks beside me in our happy moments, and in our dark moments.
To Arron,
Thank you. For all of everything that we did, and happened, and was, during our first year. Here are some of my favourite memories from our first 365 days.
When you kissed me the first time as your wife. Sharing that day (even taking all the pictures that drove you bonkers), was so special to me. Thank you for letting me plan my dream day and for participating in it happily. |
Our Honeymoon to the Dominican Republic. The swimming, the zip-lining, the shows, the relaxing. It was great to get away somewhere special. Thank you for travelling with me. Seeing the world and experiencing life in different places is so important to me and I am so thankful to have a partner who will go with me. |
Thank you for loving Barkerville. And loving me enough to get dressed up with me once a year to take a photo. I love this place, this photo studio, and you. |
Thank you for trying new things with me. For playing. For being silly. For trying my new recipes. For laughing with me. |
Thank you for Christmas and for taking me out on my first tree-hunting expedition. Thank you for buying me flowers all the time, and presents for no reason, and for my Sinterklaas surprise present on that terrible grumpy day. That was a wonderful love-filled surprise. |
Thank you for helping me knock one off my bucket list. Our trip to the Grand Canyon was a life highlight and I will always remember biking around the rim with you, |
Thank you for being wonderful all through my pregnancy, and especially during the miscarriage. Thank you for going out at night to get me Kraft Dinner, and for letting me nap and not cook. Thank you for being with me at that terribly heartbreaking ultrasound and for holding me those dark, dark days. Thank you for doing all the phone calls, for being with me at the hospital, for taking time off work, for watching Footloose with me, for buying me popsicles. Thank you for your love and support and kindness and gentleness during those hard weeks, and continuing now as I still hurt some days. |
Thank you for sharing a hobby with me. For buying us kayaks and for taking me out once in a while. Thank you for being stronger than me and for doing all the heavy lifting when we do go kayaking. Thank you for humoring me with selfies so that we can remember all the things we do together |
Happy Anniversary Arron,
365 days done, we got this.
xoxoxo and cuddles forever.
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